The framework of junior School or Post Primary Curriculum is flexible and designed to suit the need of Junior Age Group students 10 to 12 yrs and to the particular context of CBSE. It is the phase of compulsory education and it covers the critically important period in the lives of all young people. It is the time of change of growth and development of students as they move from childhood to adulthood. While recognizing that young people in junior years can display different degrees of maturity and rates of progress, preparation of adult living often occurs implicitly. The junior school curriculum has programmes that explicitly identify and develop the key areas of learning needed for adult living. These are set of five priority learning units (PLUs).
Programmes are designed with the student at the centre. This enables the physical, mental, emotional and social well-being to be an integral part of the programme.
Linking learning with the wider community
Tapping into resources within the local and wider community offers a variety of opportunities for the student to develop their vocational, social and personal skills. This might include work experience opportunities, linking with other schools and inviting guest speakers into the school.
Using information & communication technology (ICT)
The potential that ICT offers for students is recognized in the learning programme. ICT can enable students to complete tasks at their own pace in areas which might otherwise be difficult or stressful such as writing a story, reading activities, developing language skills and awareness, and numeracy. It can also enable students to progress their work individually while still being part of a wider class group.
Recognising progress and achievement
Although progress usually implies vertical movement through a hierarchy of knowledge, concepts and skills, progress for some students may be lateral in nature. Some students may continue to learn at the same level but in new and different contexts rather than moving to a higher level of complexity or difficulty. Success is viewed in broader terms than those of academic achievement and accomplishment, and encompasses aspects of learning like effort and persistence
Assessment and Reporting
Assessment in education involves gathering, interpreting and using information about the processes and outcomes of learning. It takes different forms and can be used in a variety of ways.